Microsoft Auto-Scheduling Windows 10 Updates








that’s right kiddos, they’re trying to use automatic updates to force your computer to upgrade to win 10.

Which would be fine and dandy if every windows user in the world ran a standard operating environment but they fucking don’t and this will break a lot of computers.

To stop this for win 7:  Go to your control panel, select Windows Updates.  Click on Change Settings.  Pick any option you like except ‘install updates automatically’   (Personally I use “download but let me choose” as M$ has a nasty habit of breaking things with unnecessary patches, but then again I know this shit backwards, so YMMV) 

If you’re running win XP: Stop punishing yourself.

Signal boost for anyone who might have this option on.

I don’t, but I elected to upgrade my Surface to 10 and have regretted it. No way in hell I’d want it on my desktop machine.

P.S.: fuck Canon also for refusing to make drivers for slightly older printers on Win10. Win10 acts like it has all the answers drivers, but it doesn’t. Even if you want to upgrade, check printer compatibility before you do or you may end up with devices you can’t use with that computer anymore.

Boosting. Windows 10 completely broke my machine because not all of my hardware was compatible with it. Which is a really common thing. If your hardware works with 10, it’s fukkin great. But if it doesn’t, your computer will explode.

The only computer I have Win on is never connected to internet, that does save a lot of troubles…

passing along this bad news.

Signal boost for those who don’t want windows 10, though it is a good OS.

I have it on my desktop and it works fine. I’ve yet to have a single problem out of it, and it runs my Sims 4 game without any hiccups or slow-down.

Boosting to the community. I don’t agree with this practice at all. Don’t let your rig get automatic updates, I choose which ones I allow before it’s done.

Reblogging to add: If your computer updates without you knowing or you leave your computer on for extended periods of time, Windows will FORCIBLY install Win 10 without asking. It happened on my laptop. BUT you can undo this, when it asks you to agree to the legal terms and conditions, PRESS DECLINE. It will revert your computer back to exactly where it was before the update. BE VERY CAREFUL with what you agree to if you want to avoid Win 10.

Microsoft Auto-Scheduling Windows 10 Updates by Ookla – The Global Broadband Speed Test




Can you have a worse internet connection than mine?

As reminder, it took me two days to download the Sims 2 Complete Collection (really two days without turning the computer off), and I don’t remember if it took 9 or 12 hours to download the Sims 4…
(the picture comes from the “Link” thingy, on the “Share your results” page.)

I’d love knowing about yours!

Well, I won ….

LOL, I’m considered slow here but it didn’t take that long to download anything from Origin, even if it’s busy. 5 to 15 mins tops.

This surprises me. Although at the news station we get over 150 Mbps. by Ookla – The Global Broadband Speed Test

Pickypikachu’s Castaway Challenge Rules!

I’ve updated the rules to be more… official. And I laid out an actual timeline. I’m sure there’s still things I have overlooked but, yeah it’s a work in progress. If anyone thinks of anything that needs to be changed or added, let me know!

If you try it out, please use the tag castawaychallenge or tag me directly cause I want to see!!!

Pickypikachu’s Castaway Challenge Rules!

Strictly Simlish


For those of you who don’t know, I run this ^^ side blog with the awesome Irish Cowgirl. It’s basically a Finds blog for players like us who prefer to have stuff with Simlish writing on it in their games. We have a handy directory in the sidebar (I am hoping in the near future to work on an index page), and we tag all of our finds with the game version (Sims 3 or Sims 4), the creator, and type of content. 

We don’t always catch everything, so feel free to let us know if you have any cool Simlish content we may have missed! You can also submit your creations or links to someone else’s HERE, and we’ll take a look. Lastly, we track the #simlish tag, so if you tag your stuff with that, it’ll make it easier for us to find.

ETA: We usually put posts in our queue, which is set to run 4 times a day, so if you don’t see something on our blog right away, that’s probably why!

Strictly Simlish

CAS Love




Today Studio is loving CAS meshes because finally the bug that caused neck seams is squashed for good. Anyone who has made a CAS top using Studio knows what I refer to and will be very happy it’s no longer there.


New meshes will not have the neck seam and there is an easy fix built into…


omgomgomg ;——; *happy tears*
i’ll test this as soon as i have time and reupload the recent mesh edits for kids clothes. thank you s4s team


CAS Love




I’ve recently seen (more than a few) people distributing their Mods folders wholesale, including the work of many creators who have policies that specifically prohibit re-uploading their content—not to mention those creators who may not have minded the re-uploading if the person had bothered to…

This. Why. Really annoys me and most creators.

This is so so so so soooo very important. Also relevant to a recent ask I got about sharing my mods folder. I love being able to share my hard work with people, but there has to be some respect for the stuff us creators do, for free, mind you. I do this because I want to, and I will no longer want to do this if people think it’s okay to remove all sense of credit for my days of hard work for the sake of sharing something they didn’t make. The only CC you should ever be uploading is things you’ve made yourself or things you have permission to upload. If you think uploading other people’s hard work is okay, then you should probably try making something on your own and see just how much work it is. Thankfully I haven’t seen much of this on my dashboard, but if I do, I’ll be having a stern talk with whoever does it.
